PVET Institute is committed to upholding a high standard of client satisfaction. If an issue arises, it is the responsibility of the director to discuss and resolve all disputes with the client.


PVET Institute recognises that differences and grievances can arise from time to time. The quick settlement of these matters is in the best interest of all parties concerned. Each complaint and/or appeal is dealt with using the complaints and appeals procedure. The following steps are implemented to ensure this happens:


  1. Inform the RTO if you are dissatisfied or have any concerns about our products, services, processes or policies using the complaints form found on our website.


  1. The Director will explore the issue speaking with all parties involved and investigating how the complaint/appeal came about. All factors are considered, allowing the director to make clear judgement on the conflict.


  1. The Director is responsible for resolving all conflicts in a professional manner, satisfying all parties involved to the best of their ability. As client satisfaction is priority, the director will attempt to resolve conflict to the satisfaction of the client.


  1. Following resolution of the conflict, the Director may choose to follow up resolved disputes to assure each party involved is satisfied.


If you are not satisfied with the resolution we will refer the matter to an independent mediator.